2021 Horsebridge Exhibition

Frost descending, Jill Akhurst

Heat rising, Jill Akhurst

Lake side, Jill Akhurst

Water lilies, Jill Akhurst

Seascape, Jim Akhurst

Sunrise, Jim Akhurst

Zen I, Val Beck

Zen II, Val Beck

Zen III, Val Beck

Electric Storm, Jacqueline Browning

Magic Trees, Jacqueline Browning

Oyster shells, Jacqueline Browning

Turtle, Jacqueline Browning

Dust, Monica Callaghan

Flaming June (after Leighton), Monica Callaghan

Fruit in a bowl, Monica Callaghan

Let's get this party started, Monica Callaghan

Colourful thinking, Daphne Candler

Elusive, Daphne Candler

Barn owl, Linda da Rios

Arctic Tern, Linda da Rios

Cardinal duck, Linda da Rios

Boats at sea, Barbara Drinkwater

Sea scene, Barbara Drinkwater

Sea tryptich, Barbara Drinkwater

Sunflowers, Barbara Drinkwater

Seasons (fabric), June Drinkwater

I'm not blue, Yvonne Gambrill

Signs of Spring, Yvonne Gambrill

The Street, Yvonne Gambrill

Winter chill, Yvonne Gambrill

Fading light, Trevor Hill

Racing home, Trevor Hill

Untitled (four boats), Trevor Hill

Untitled (ship), Trevor Hill

A little magic, Judy Johnstone

Apocalypse, Judy Johnstone

Chasing colours, Judy Johnstone

Chasing colours 2, Judy Johnstone

Orta San Giuglio

Still life in blue, Ruth Luccini

Dianthus, Sheila MacLurkin

Sunflower, Sheila MacLurkin

Tulip, Sheila MacLurkin

Tea Tree, Sheila MacLurkin

Elephants at waterhole, Kariba. Wendy Mills

Fishing boats at sunset, Wendy Mills

The Lady of Shallott (after Waterhouse), Wendy Mills

Shipping scene (after de Capelle), Wendy Mills

Crazy colour, Julia Parker

Kiss, Julia Parker

Lovers (after Klimt), Julia Parker

Round Marie, Julia Parker

Old Neptune I, Robin Pates

Old Neptune 2, Robin Pates

Sleeping Oast, Robin Pates

Asian steps, Dave Pritchard

Ellie, Dave Pritchard

Melody, Dave Pritchard

Music Maestro, Dave Pritchard

Cello, Alan Saunders

Drum kit, Alan Saunders

Tom Tom hit drum, Alan Saunders

Chiffon, Laura Swinherd

Sandy paws, Laura Swinherd

Suimmer Time, Laura Swinherd